Star Fleet Battle Manual Download

Links to Star-Ranger's Content
To make it easier to find the content that I continue to update, here are direct links on how to get there:
Full Thrust Fleet Resource
A clearing house of designs and SSDs for new Full Thrust miniatures from Ground Zero Games and other lines of starship miniatures.
Sci-Fi Crossover: Ships of the Universes
Stats and SSDs from popular TV and movies for use with Full Thrust rules from the Sci-Fi Crossover games I ran at GenCon - updated and expanding. Includes Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5 and more in the works.

Star Fleet Battle Manual Download

Status of SCN

The lead product of Star Fleet Battles Captain's Edition. This is the fourth edition in the Star Fleet Battles series, and it is the current edition. There have been two major reprintings of the rules, each of which incorporates some errata and cleanup in the rules in 1999 and 2005. These can be identified by a year printed on the lower part of the front cover. Re-implements: Star Fleet. General information about Star Fleet and this Academy. Part B was compiled by the Intelligence Division of Star Fleet Command and gives you a brief description of the Alliance's most threatening adversaries. On behalf of the Academy, I hope you enjoy your stay with us. This manual is intended as an introduction to Star Fleet and the Academy.

1/11/2014 - It has been over a year since I did any real updates to the pages of Starship Combat News so you might be wondering what is up. I started SCN back in 1999 on an only Homestead shared website and it grew from there as this small niche within a niche of interests found a place to put all of the news and links about spaceship games.

While I am still interested in this topic, I have other interests too and I started spending more time with those and SCN updates began to slip, to the point that in December of 2012 I made the last updates to SCN and have not since. After 13 years or so I was burned out.

So what does the future hold? Sometimes I thing I might want to buckle down and spend a week's worth of free time researching and updating everything I can but I haven't yet. I thing a format chance of the whole site from static pages to a WordPress based article driven format could make it easier to keep everything updated - but I don't know WordPress well enough to do that. So if anyone out there wants to help with that, let me know.

Star Fleet Battles Ssd

One thing that will stay is the SCN Forum. You might not get news articles but people will post about new games, miniatures, rumors and much more. It might not be organized like it is here but you can still get your news fix if you need it.

Star Fleet Battle Manual Download Free

Thanks to all of you readers out there. It was very cool for me to really learn what this internet thing could do by connecting to other people who liked this same niche of gaming.

Do these miniatures work with those?

3/27/2012 - I have often heard that question, does this line of ship miniatures work with this other line from another manufacturer? To help out, I am compiling actual miniature sizes on a reference page so gamers can tell if miniatures are in scale with each other. This Scale page will help you determine if your preferred fleets are Fleet scale or Squadron scale an then if this new cool line of minis will work with your other fleets.

I do have a few gaps though so if you have some fleets that currently don't have entries, then link over to the SCN discussion on the Scale page and add what you can.

Questions or comments, please drop me a note at

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