Carol Doak Foundation Factory Software

Carol Doak page on Carol's CD-ROM's. 40 Bright and Bold Paper-Pieced Blocks on CD-ROM. Foundation Factory: Carol Doak Designer Edition Questions about this CD? More information on Quilt-Pro products. Carol Doak Foundation Factory Software. Two Foundation Piecing Programs Foundation Factory On CD-ROM, For Windows 3.1 and Windows 95, 500+ Blocks, $29.95 Sew Precise! On CD-ROM, for Windows 95 Only, 1100+ Blocks, $29.95 Given the current wild popularity of foundation paper piecing among quilters, it was inevitable.

Shop the Beauty Gift Guide. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ©Carol Doak 2005 This pattern offered on and may be reproduced and distributed with this notice for the purpose of. Carol Doak's Legal Size Foundation Paper, 50 sheets, 8.5 x 14 inches by C & T Publishing. Regular price $10.75 Regular price $11.95 Sale price $10.75 Sale. Unit price / per. Availability Sold out Carol Doak's Foundation Papers 100 sheets by C&T Pub. Carol Doak's Foundation Papers 100 sheets by C&T Pub.

The Questions....

  1. I installed the Carol Doak Edition to be run from the CD. But when I try to run it with CD in, there are no help files, no contents, or fabrics. What do I need to do?
  2. I tried to install FF blocks into Quilt-Pro, but I don't know if that worked since I can't find the blocks anywhere in Quilt Pro. Where are they?
  3. Foundation Factory - Quilt Mag. Edition the Leaning Book block can not be pieced as numbered.
  4. If I have other questions where can I get help?

And the Answers....

Q. The Foundation Factory serial number isn't working. What do I do?

A. If you have problems with the serial number use this information to make installation easier.
Add your serial number 'FFW0200-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX' with the following in mind:

-Do not use the caps key, let the installer capitalize the letters.

-Be sure to use zeros instead of the letter 0.
-Use all the dashes as shown and do not add spaces between the numbers.
-Do not include the quotes shown above.

Q. I installed the Carol Doak Edition to be run from the CD. But when I try to run it with CD in, there are no help files, no contents, or fabrics. What do I need to do?

A. It's possible that the icon properties are corrupt. Creating a new shortcut to Foundation Factory is easy. Start with all programs closed and the desktop showing. Then follow these steps:

Delete the current Icon on your desktop.
From the Windows Start button, select Find.
From the menu, select Files or Folders. The Find Files dialog box will appear.
In the Named box, type in FoundationFactory95.exe and select the drive where Foundation Factory is installed. The default installation for Foundation Factory is in the C drive but you are using Foundation Factory from the CD then choose the CD drive letter.
Click the Find Now button. The search will locate the Foundation Factory application file.
Click your right mouse button on the file and select Create Shortcut.
SoftwareYou may get an message saying 'Can not create shortcut here. Place short cut on the Desktop instead?' Click the yes or Ok button.

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The shortcut appears on your desktop.
Double click the icon to start the program. All the files should now be available.

Q.I tried to load all three versions of Foundation Factory on my computer using the CD option. I have had no success in accessing the programs. They (all 3) want to put the same icon on my desk top. However, when I click on the icon I keep getting error messages. How do I set these up?

A. The programs were designed to be installed into the hard drive and all work together as one program. But since you want them to work off the CD you will need two separate icons for the three programs. Edit them as follows:

What Happened To Carol Doak

If you still have the original icon on your desk top, just copy, paste and rename that icon to: FF-StdED.
Then right click on the icon and from the popup menu select Properties.
In the box labeled Target type in: X:FFStdEd1FoundationFactory95.exe, where X= CD drive letter.
The Start In box type in:X:FFStdEd1.
Now test it with the Standard Edition Disk in the drive.
Then rename the other icon FFDesigner.
Then right click on the icon and from the popup menu select Properties.
In the Target box type in: X:FoundFac2FoundationFactory95.exe, where X=CD drive letter.
The Start In box type in:X:FoundFac2.
This Icon should run either of the two Designer Edition CDs.

Q. I want to print some of the blocks in color as well as printing the patterns, can I?

A. There is no way to print the patterns in color, however, you can print in shades of gray. This allows you to see the positions of the fabric by value rather than by color. Select the option, 'Print with Grays', in the print dialog box.
Q. I've installed Foundation Factory, but I want to be able to import blocks from FF to Quilt Pro. How can I do that?

A. Normally you would select that option during the initial installation of Foundation Factory. Since you already have Foundation Factory installed we have a program called File Manager that will allow you to import those blocks into Quilt-Pro.
When you click the link below, choose to save file to your desktop. Once downloaded right-click the file and choose 'Run as Administrator.' Follow the on-screen instructions. When it's complete, you should have a copy of the blocks in the QP6 Block library under name of the edition you imported. If you have Block Factory programs it will give you the option to add those to Quilt-Pro as well.

Q. I tried to install FF blocks into Quilt-Pro, but I don't know if that worked since I can't find the blocks anywhere in Quilt Pro. Where are they?

A. The blocks will be installed in the a folder named you should have a copy of the blocks in the Block library under name of the edition you imported. For example: The Carol Doaks's 40 Bright and Bold files will be in a folder named 40 Bright and Bold.

Q.I own the Carol Doak Edition of Foundation Factory and the Help menu has an listing for Sewing Instructions. Yet when I click on it nothing happens. Why can't I access it?

A. The underlying program for the current version of Foundation Factory is used for many editions of Foundation Factory. However, the Carol Doak Editions are based on books written by Ms. Doak and Quilt Pro can not infringe on the copyrighted instructions included in those books. The books would be wonderful additions to any quilters library.

Q. I found some really nice blocks in the instructions, but I can't seem to find the blocks in Foundation Factory and I have looked through all the different folders. Where can I find them?

A. I believe what you are looking at is a preview of other editions of Foundation Factory. Over the picture of the blocks is a picture of the CD cover of the Edition the blocks are in. You will have to purchase that edition in order to use those blocks.

Q.Can I use Foundation Factory blocks in other quilting software?

Carol doak website

A. No, the files are proprietary and as such are only usable in Foundation Factory, 123-Quilt and Quilt Pro.

Q.The print screen says I can print 4 patterns on a page, yet when I print I only get one pattern on a page. Why?

A. You can easily print multiple copies of any block by adjusting the 'Number of Copies' setting on the Print Screen. Many users intrepret the 'Number of Copies' setting to be the number of pages to be printed but in foundation Factory it means the number of patterns. So if you want 6 patterns enter 6 in the box before clicking the print button.

Q.Foundation Factory - Quilt Mag. Edition the Leaning Book block can not be pieced as numbered.

A. We have corrected the block. Click here to download. Save the file to your desktop, then double click it to install. It will install into the default installation location for Quilt Magazine Edition of Foundation Factory.

Q.I have Vista or Windows 7 64 bit computer and I get an error message when I try to install Foundation Factory on my computer. How do I get the program installed?

A. Add your serial number Most of our program will work on a Vista or Windows 7, 64-bit computers. It's the file that starts the installer that is causing the problem. Here are two different ways to get around that:
When you insert the disk in the drive, the program should attempt to launch an install wizard for the program automatically. In this case, the AutoPlay dialog box will appear. However, instead of choosing to 'Run Autorun.exe' or 'install the program', you should choose 'Open folder to view files'. Then locate the program's setup file, called Setup or Setup.exe. Right Click on the file and choose Run as Administrator. When it asks you if you want the program to run, choose Allow. Then follow the on screen instructions.
If the AutoPlay dialog box doesn't appear but gives you an error message instead, cancel the error message. Then go to the Start button, click on the Computer icon. Once in the Computer screen, you should see the CD with the program icon. Right-click on the icon and choose 'Explore' or 'Open'. Then locate the program's setup file, called Setup or Setup.exe. Right Click on the file and choose Run as Administrator. When it asks you if you want the program to run, choose Allow. Then follow the on screen instructions.
There are only 2 versions of Foundation Factory where these options will not work. They are the very first editions of Foundation Factory Standard Edition Volume 1 and The Carol Doak Designer Edition Volume 1. If you have these editions, you can email us for a download of the new editions. You MUST send us your original serial number to get a new download.
One last note: If your serial number looks like: No need to contact us, your program will work in Vista or Windows 7.

Q.If I have other questions where can I get help?

A. If you have any questions not covered in this FAQ, please contact us at